Freitag, 28. September 2012

Speech & Football

Ich habe eine Speech Class belegt und musste vor zwei Wochen meine erste Rede halten und habe 97% dafür bekommen. Ich dachte, ich könnte sie hier mal reinstellen, weil ich darüber geredet habe, dass ich ein Exchange Student bin. 

When I was twelve years old my favorite tshirt was black with a neon pink writing on it saying: "Follow Your Dreams". It was way too small and it looked really ugly but I kept wearing it. My friends sang this slogan to a very stupid melody  and sometimes when I wake up I have this song stuck in my head.

I followed my dream and it became true. I'm holding this speech as a foreign exchange student from Germany. But it has been a long way getting here.
Actually I wanted to go to the USA last year. I applied for a scholarship but I wasn't the lucky one to get it. My grandmother wanted to pay the regular program but my mother and my grandfather thought that I was too young. The night they told me was probaply the worst in my life. But that setback didn't change my plans at all.
I ended up applying for the same scholarship one year later. 
On the 28th of February my grandmother ran into my drama rehearsal. She huged me and just said "Herzlichen Glückwunsch!". That means "congratulations". And honestly, I had no idea what she was talking about. To tell you the truth I was really embarressed her disturbing the rehearsel. But then she told me that I got the scholarship and I started to cry because I was kind of the happiest person in the whole world.
My friends started to cry too when I told them because they knew how much it meant to me. 
But slowly I started to realite  - it's really started because I'm still not done realiting - that I would really spend one year in the USA. - But also one year away from home, from family and friends. 
The last three months were all about me and my exchange year. Relatives I hardly see once a year wanted to see me as often as possible and told me how much I would be missed. Pretty weird. 
My friends talked a lot about me and our friendship and what would change.
It was harder than I thought leaving my friends. But I have the best hostfamily I could ever get! I got three wonderful sisters I never had and they and my hostparents already made me feel being home. Because "Home is where the heart is." quoted by Gaius Plinius Secundus. 
We exchange students use to say that the year abroad will be "our year".We want it to become the the best year of our lives. I had high expectations but what I have already experienced has already topped it. I am a member of the volleyballteam - Go lady eagles - I have seen two footballgames - honestly I don't get the rules at all - I talk in English all the time - is my accent really that bad? - and I have my own locker - the locker is very important. It provides this "High School Feeling". I love my locker.

I followed my dream and right now I'm living it! 
Being an exchange student is really awsome. You get to meet so many interesting people and it's worth it every single effort!
If you have questions concerning going abroad, Germany or whatever just ask.
I followed my dream and right now I'm living it! 
But whatever is your dream you should follow it! Almost everything is possible if you fight for it!

Ich weiß, so ganz genau stimmt das jetzt alles nicht, aber ein bisschen Dramatic braucht doch jede rede oder?! :D 
Aber meinen Freunden, wird eine ganze Menge bekannt vorkommen. Das Tshirt gab es übrigens wirklich. Und diesen Song auch. Nur der Slogan war ein bisschen anders. Naja, und zugegeben, es war eine andere Situation, als ich erfahren habe, dass ich das Stipendium bekommen habe! :D Meine Eltern haben mich vom Theater abgeholt.. Auf jeden Fall war ich tatsächlich da so verdammt glücklich und aufgeregt und konnte es überhaupt nicht fassen! 

Ich habe hier echt eine tolle Zeit! 
Ich komme gerade von einem Footballgame und Jasper hat zum ersten Mal gewonnen! 27-6 !! 

Danke an Klara! ❤ You are awsome! Du är fantastisk!
Ich habe leider immer noch keine Simkarte :D

This is Mally 
Am Anfang dachte sie, ich wäre ihre Oma, weil sie auch Lisa heißt. Also hat sie mich immer "Grandma Lisa" genannt... Naja, wenn sie das in der Öffentlichkeit gemacht hat, haben sich schon ein  paar Leute umgedreht und sich gewundert.. 
Aber jetzt kriegt die Kleine das schon langsam auf die Reihe.. 
Sie ist so süß! Sie singt jeden Song mit, Call me Maybe ist anscheinend ihr Lieblingslied!
Wenn ich zu ihr sage: "You'r so cute!" Sagt sie immer: "Yeah, so cute!" Und das mit ihrer Stimme ist so verdammt süß! 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Wirklich schöne Rede :-)
    -wenn man mal die Unwahrheiten ausblendet :D haha :-)
